Miscellaneous Gear

  • EZFX Jib

  • Dana Dolly (4ft, 6ft, 8ft, 10ft and 12ft track) 

  • Hollyland C1 Pro 4-Kit

  • 3000w/2600wh battery 

  • Matthews camera mounting car rigging kit (not usually carried but can bring if requested)

  • Sidus One

  • 3x Nesting Apple Box sets

  • 220w Vlock battery 

  • 7x 95w Vlock batteries 

  • Crate of Extension cables (with multi boards) 

  • Dunnage Crate: sushi’s and wedges 

  • Welding clips 

  • Tennis balls for stands

  • 16x sandbags 

  • Aluminium scaffold pipe (2x: 4ft, 6ft, 8ft, 9.5ft)

  • Steel scaffold pipe (4x: 4ft, 6ft, 8ft. 2x: 9.5ft)

  • Big ladder 

  • Small ladder

  • 3x3 Gazebo with walls (not usually carried but can bring if requested)

Miscellaneous Gear